
Rest & relaxation

I was asked recently to sum up my year — my biggest successes and most memorable moments. Perhaps because so much of my work is about planning ahead, reflection isn’t something that comes easily to me, but considering the highs and lows of 2019 turned out to be a rewarding process. It made me realise it’s not the big goal-kicking achievements I appreciate in life — the  quiet, everyday wins are what help me feel it’s going my way.
You could draw an analogy with measuring your successes at home. Yes, statement purchases bring a certain sense of satisfaction; however, there are plenty of smaller design considerations to be celebrated that improve daily life: the feel of the wooden spoon in your hand as you stir your porridge in the mornings, the rainhead shower fixture and beautiful towels that turn bathing into a simple pleasure, the sloped soffit that shades your outdoor dining space while letting in just the right amount of sunset, or the crisp linen that makes getting into bed a real treat. It doesn’t matter how much money or time you have to spend on your abode — if you focus
on identifying the little things that make it more enjoyable, you’ll be better for it.
With the summer break on the horizon, it feels like a suitable juncture at which to contemplate curating a home that suits your needs. I’m not going to say a change is as good as a rest because, let’s be honest, we’re all looking forward to a holiday right now. But I do recommend devoting  some of your downtime to thinking about what’s working for you, what could do with improvement and how you’re going to create your best nest in 2020.

Alice Lines, Editor


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modern ways
to make a home
in New Zealand

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