
Tropical patterned planters

Use bold patterns and colours to create your own leafy outdoor oasis.

You will need
Painter’s tape in a thick width
Resene paint in Lumbersider
Resene Waterborne Aquapel
Large piece of paper
Spray glue

FOR THE CONFETTI PATTERN Seal the interior and exterior of the pot with Resene Waterborne Aquapel before painting. Cut strips and squares of painter’s tape and stick them on the planter randomly, but spaced evenly apart. Press tape edges to ensure it is firmly adhered. Apply two coats of paint and leave to dry. Peel tape to reveal your pattern.

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FOR THE WAVY PATTERN Coat the interior and exterior of the pot first with Resene Waterborne Aquapel to seal before painting. Measure the circumference of the planter you’re painting. On a large piece of paper, measure out the circumference length as a straight line. Over the straight line, draw a wave pattern, making sure it will match up at each end. Cut along the wavy line to create the template. Spray glue one side of the wave template, and wrap around the planter. Apply two coats of paint, and carefully remove the wave template from the planter straight after painting.

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Planters start at $29.90, from Church Street Garden Central, Onehunga. They were painted in Resene Can Can, Resene Moulin Rouge, Resene Decadence and Resene Sulu, Front wall painted in Resene Resitex Coarse, and Resene Can Can, Front wall edge painted in Resene Resitex Coarse in Half Tea; back wall painted in Resene Moulin Rouge; floor painted in Resene Neutral Bay; stool painted in Resene Decadence, Zamioculcas and bromeliad plants, from Church Street Garden Central, Onehunga. All other plants stylist’s own.

Project & styling Juliette Wanty
Photography Wendy Fenwick

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