
Milk it

Make the absolute most of those at-home moments with your own customisable coffee menu.

With Nespresso

Less than keen to join the queue at your local café every morning? Don’t! Instead, put barista-level milky coffee on the menu at your place and maximise your downtime in the very best way. For velvety flat whites, creamy cappuccinos and smooth lattes, Nespresso’s new Creatista Uno delivers like a pro. The matte-finish coffee machine is a little looker and has eight coffee selections, plus adjustable milk texture and temperature options. Faster than a speeding bullet, it heats up in three seconds flat, is quick to clean and automatically powers off when not in use. Add Nespresso’s Intenso range of deliciously rich coffees (perfect for milky drinks) in recyclable aluminium capsules to the mix, and you’ll be enjoying your daily brew just the way you like it, minus your name misspelled on a paper cup.

The stylist says…
“Quality coffee at home in a relaxed setting is an essential ritual for me,” says Michelle Halford of The Design Chaser, who likes Nespresso’s Intenso Dharkan blend for its long roasted notes and hints of cocoa. Set up this chic scene at your place with natural textures like smooth timber, soft linen and handcrafted ceramics.

TOP, FROM LEFT Linen napkin, $50/set, Wooden egg cups, $16 each, Stoneware plate, $18, Nespresso View cup and saucer sets, from $30, Creatista Uno coffee machine (plus milk jug), $599, and Nespresso coffee capsules, from $9.70/10,

LEFT A&C linen table cloth, $110, and napkin, $30/set; Mini wooden bowl, $40/set; salt and pepper grinder by Eva Solo, $100, Twin Wall cup by Gidon Bing, $40; Stoff Nagel candle holders, $65 each, All other items stylist’s own.

Styling Michelle Halford
Photography Duncan Innes

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