
Make it shine

Create your own abstract graphic headboard with a simple stencil and metallic paint for a burnished metal look.

You will need
Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen
Resene Enamacryl Metallic
Painters’ tape

1. Measure the width you want your wall panel to span (approx 10-20cm wider than your bed). Mask it vertically with painters’ tape. Paint the panel with a Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen basecoat colour according to your choice of metallic paint.*


2. Apply two coats of Resene Enamacryl Metallic on top of the basecoat. Leave to dry before taping the stencil.

3. Create a vertical and horizontal grid with painters’ tape over the metallic paint. Rip pieces of tape and randomly fill in the grid sections with criss-crossed lengths of tape.

4. Apply two top coats of  Resene Alabaster over the top of the tape. When dry, carefully remove the tape to reveal the web-like pattern underneath. Once you’re happy with the look, clear coat the complete headboard with Resene Aquaclear to protect the metallic finish.

*Note When using Resene Metallics, a basecoat is recommended for a more vibrant result. Once you’ve selected your metallic paint, you can find the corresponding basecoat on the Resene Metallics & Special Effects colour chart.

For more information see the Resene website.

Project Greer Clayton  
Styling  Alice Lines  
Photography Melanie Jenkins


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modern ways
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in New Zealand

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