Her new collection is intertwined with a deeply personal story of reinvention.
The past couple of years have been quite a journey for Bec Snelling of Douglas & Bec, the Auckland-based furniture and lighting brand she once ran with her father. In fact, the background to where she is today reads a bit like a Hollywood film plot. Having already reached what she believed to be her turning point, Bec was in recovery and just 30 days sober when the Douglas & Bec factory burned to the ground. But through adversity comes strength, and she decided to see it as an opportunity.
So then what? I thought to myself, ‘Right, this is really clearing the wreckage of the past; this is a new beginning.’ It forced our hand on a lot of decisions we’d already been considering, but at no point did I have an inclination to give up.
Ultimately the Douglas & Bec brand came to a natural end with Doug retiring, so now you’re reinventing yourself as Snelling Studio and doing away with launching collections to an output-driven, regular schedule… For me, success is honing and mastering my creativity. I love the word ‘mastering’ because it means it’s a process — not an end point. Now there’s no clear business plan that says we must have KPIs that we meet. It’s more about creating and evolving and having a strong, authentic voice. I’m taking the learnings Dad and I discovered together to develop Snelling into a beautiful place of maturity where my art and design can work together.

Your launch collection is called Lens, and I understand yoga was its creative catalyst… I knew that it was time for a new collection, but I had a massive creative block. My therapist said, “You just need to go and do something else — how about yoga?” and I laughed at him, because yoga on a Friday night was not my idea of a good time. However, I persevered.
At first I was very bad at it, but it taught me about learning a skill through committing to working on it regularly. At the same time, I reconnected with my art practice and went back to my formative training in blind contour drawing with charcoal. The yoga informed the drawings, shaping everything in the Lens collection: the forms, the tension, the simplicity, even the materiality via the light, mirrors and timber of the yoga studio.
One of my best pieces of advice is do the hard stuff first in the morning, the stuff we creatives hate: the emails, the accounting. Also, the world isn’t going to fall over if you give yourself a break. We think life is destination-based, but it sure ain’t. We’ve got to enjoy the process, the failures, get off the treadmill and enjoy all of these moments.
The way Lens has been received has actually been really overwhelming because I didn’t know what was going to happen. I’ve never felt so comfortable in my own skin as I did launching it, and I’ve done the work now, so it’s for others to take from it what they want. That’s exciting — it’s fun not to have it all carved out. It’s like each day is a new beginning for me and I love getting up in the morning and going, ‘Oh, it’s none of my business what happens today, I’m just going to go along for the ride.’
Look, it’s not always that blissful though, you know? The dog literally ate my wallet this morning, the car broke down… We’re all human, right?!
Interview Alice Lines
Photography Duncan Innes